Review: Chemical Engineering Course

Greetings! In this post, I will tell you a bit about what I can conclude from doing a Diploma in Chemical Engineering (as for only 2 semesters though). Please don't expect any detailed information because I am half prepared in writing this post. A reminder that this guideline is based on UiTM university system . This may have been inconvenient, I guess since we all don't get the same offer to the same university. Anyways, I'd just proceed disregarding this matter. Let's begin. We took this photo right after the final examination ended lmao The Requirement Firstly, it is very preferable to get to know what are the requirements needed for this course. As stated in this page , you may need at least 5 Credits in SPM or any equivalent. For me, I received 5A's and 4B's which are more than 5C's. Please be reminded that the priority will be given to who achieved more than 5C's. Course Outline Review This is a review on UiTM's course outline...